Where freemium
meets seamless gaming!

Get yourself a free Minecraft, Rust, FiveM, Discord Bot server and more on ur demand!


Need a premium experience?

Thanks to our Ryzen 9 cpu's, we ensure maximum performance for any software you would like to host!

DDoS Protection

With over 4TB/s DDOS protection, your services remain resilient even under extreme attack scenarios

24/7/365 Support

Our dedicated support team is committed to assisting you promptly, ensuring your needs are met swiftly and effectively. Simply create a ticket.

99.58% Uptime

Experience unparalleled reliability with our exceptional uptime rate of 99.58%, ensuring your services remain accessible and operational with minimal disruptions.

Automated Off-site Backups

In case of emergencies, stay assured you can revert to a previous state with complete confidence. Your data remains secure and consistently accessible in every circumstance. We take nightly backups to our off-site redundant storage servers with a retention of 7 days; have a piece of mind your data is always safe, and secure.

Frequently asked questions (FaQ)

Are you only a Minecraft Host?

We don't only offer Minecraft. We offer you the ability to host servers like: FiveM, Rust, Ark, Discord Bots and more on ur demand!


Where can I get answers if I have questions?

You can create a ticket via our game-panel or our Discord!


Will i have to worry about downtime?

While we can't guarantee 100% uptime, we strive to optimize our servers to deliver optimal performance and maximize uptime for our clients.


What game-panel do you use?

We use Jexactyl for a better user experience. Giving our clients the ability to install Minecraft Plugins directly from the panel!


Is it possible for your Startup Command to be changed?

Yes, Just contact us and give us your custom startup command!


Ready to get started?

Free Hosting

Intel Xeon E5 2680v4 CPU

Plugin Manager

And more!

Premium Hosting

Ryzen 9 3900X CPU

Plugin Manager

No renewal

Support the host!